Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
2nd post of the day :)
when we say 'we miss school', 'i love my school', it's actually referring to memories with friends in school. but to me, i really love my school and every single thing in it. despite all those complaints about my school, it's still my and our only alma mater where everything begins and we grow :) i've been in amc for.. *counting* 12 years, since kindergarten. the school changed a lot indeed. when i was 6 and i looked from far to the secondary school compound it wasn't like that, when i was in primary school, the compound wasn't like now too. it keeps changing through years, renovation is going on like every year? it's just like us inside the school growing :)
and our school song, i love it :) frankly, i don't sing it out during assembly.. lol. but i sing it to myself in the heart ==' it's a nice song, don't you think so?? our school song has so many version, we sang it in chinese and english alternately in primary school and english in secondary school, but i know there's a malay version as well. LOL and the lyrics somehow is touching.
'daughters of ave maria, forward let us march'
amc, a place where friendship begins.. and never forget to mention this very special friend MICHELLE LIAN. lol. you know.. we've been classmates for 11 years from standard1 to form5, really proud of this record and proud of her too :) she's our school swimmer err.. and friends like chee yen, xiao wen and xin ci. we are not in the same class for many years yet we can remain close :) they are my 'old friends' whom i first knew in my lower primary :)
i have a lot of friends but they are all limit within schoolmates, unlike others who have so many different group of friends outside. i hope i can get to know more friends :) but of course im proud of my friends and i enjoy being with them.
*i cry a lil everytime i think about school and my friends, especially memories between us.
5 years in school
well, im no longer form 5 now, it's neither happy nor sad but it's a kind of mixture of feelings. being in amc for so many years, i doubt whether i changed?
form1. images of me and my friends very first stepping into amc secondary school are vividly clear in my mind. 1st time wearing the light blue pinafore was indeed uncomfortable that time. my friends and i were so obedient that time, we waited quietly in the canteen, waiting for prefects to bring us to mph, chit chatting about that whole new environment. that time our 6F gang were all together in the canteen and then to the mph waiting to be separated. i still remember the teacher in charged was pn looi, she read out all the names from 1p1 to 1p10. and that time i was so nervous, watching our 6F line people going out one by one leaving not many people, my name was called in the 1p10 list. i wasn't very happy at first because most of my close friends that time weren't in the same class with me.. i chose to sit with yuan yi, the smart girl :)) in 1p10 i don't really have much memories, may be because i was too obedient that time, even chit chatting was in low volume, dare not ponteng, dare not eat in class, what else memories i'd in the classroom? but i remember i was kinda active in science lab. it's naughty kind of active, i even chase around with friends in the lab and pn nor anim kept shaking her head. LOL. she's cute! in the same year, i joined board of library prefect, joining this big family did leave me with lots of indelible memories but a lot of regrets too.. i was so much in the passion of doing library work that time, so much looking forward to meetings and duty. yea, im very weird. but all this changed in F5. (skip) being a junior, we have so many admired seniors. LOL. we were like falling in love with them. *shaking head* but of course being a junior gets bully too :/
that year, pei ni who we didn't talk much in 6F became my best friend. and i remember you're always worrying about stuffs and we phone calling EVERY MORNING for hours. shhh.. my parents don't know about it XD LOL. and my deskmate that year was loh wan see, we used to call each other panda 1, panda 2 and i even told her i want to be a superwoman in the future lol lol. and and and.. HUI NEE. i knew that year too :)
form2. i changed a lot that year, i found a group of friends that are different from those i knew in F1, idk where's the differences but there are some i know :/ i sat with yee theng that year, and it was when i knew pheinee, lushing, zeewui, leivoon, weng wai etc. those who remain close with me till my last day in amc :) not forget to mention, i was in 2p9 that year.. i joined girl guide that year and i felt like xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. (hey! it's a public blog, must keep a bit to myself XD)
form3. a hell year to me. LOL. not so bad may be, but it's bad. zzz it was a very funny year to me, a very memorable because i cried too much, i made my friends worried about me. i still remember my irrationality made pheinee cried.. sorry my friends. but the funny thing was my results improved sooo much from that year despite all those troubles i had. =='
my deskmate that year till f5 was leivoon :))
form4. i think it was my greatest year. though there wasn't any real happy stuffs but of course there wasn't any saddening parts too. i ate well, slept well, played well that year :) everything was like so smooth going except those annoying koko stuffs. but it's okay :0 because i don't really take koko seriously :/ i tried many different things that year and i gained a lot. but also, i'd my greatest disappointment that year and i learnt there's never fair and we have to accept. zzz it changed my life in xxx after that :/ AND AND we had canteen day that year XDD our 4s6 'the fourth dimension' was awesome!
towards the end of the year i met my bff :) and.. we are kinda close till now, and forever XD
form5. half half. half happy half sad. LOL. but i love this year the most :) first time, i have the real-best-friend kind of feeling. no one knows me that much and i don't dare to tell people so much about me except her :)
aww. the 5 years had gone like so fast. how my life will be the next 5years? i hope it'll be better and i really hope to meet some one i love and worth to love XD
*it's long post and it's boring. but so what, it's for me :))
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Saturday, August 28, 2010
I really dont like her.. gosh. how can such person enters my life.. I dont think there is anyone else faker than her. anyway, she forever wont know I dun like her. you aren't me, u wont know how much I dont like her and how I feel for her existence. I know she's always better than me, but so what? I just dont like her.
p/s she isn't one of my close friends, not my friend, just an acquaintance perhaps.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Have no regrets, i'd gained more than enough and it's time to let go.. I have to accept the truth that im a girl of 17 and back to normal way of life. Saying bye to everythg that seems priceless to me and they'll never ever be back.
before i net my bed, i should net my heart..
from thinking further, got to bond my heart to spm trial. it might not be the way of life i want, but it's the only way -.-
Monday, August 2, 2010
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Saturday, July 31, 2010
i cry a lot recently.. but who cares
*crying right now in front of the computer.. it's midnight 12.42am. so what? no one will ask why, no one cares.. when my true friend appears and realises, it may be too late.
p/s im giving too much. did i? should i?
tonight seems bit weird for me.. for no special reasons, many things came across me.. many question marks appear.. they are questions, yet there won't be exact answers.
im growing up, so it's quite normal to think about it.. i came across these when i was still a kid too.
what happen after some one dies?
is there any heaven and hell? is there any reborn?
how will i be if my mum din get pregnant last time? do i still existing in this world?
when im going to die?
will i still got feelings after im dead? is the 'I' still existing?
why some people die so young with all dreams not fulfilled?
why not every one has the chance to enjoy the life till old?
is it that if i appreciate life i can live a bit longer?
sigh. i spent the whole night thinking stuffs like these.. :S
i actually asked lei voon about that, but.. LOL! she din really answer my doubts.
Friday, July 16, 2010
yup, im selected.. im quite looking forward to it actually.. but not when all those problems come across my mind.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
just finished watching germany vs argentina match and it ended up with so unpredictable, 4-0 that's terrible.. not sure whether it's 3 or 4..
err.. okay. I'll blog randomly this post.
school was okay so far.. but undeniable Im not as happy as last last time.. hmm. homework is piling up as usual.. and I wonder when will all koko stop for form5s?
having some skin allergy problem recently.. I cant stand it and gona see skin specialist soon probably :(
and my eyes too.. seriously, I CANT CRY TOO MUCH ANYMORE. the pain in my eyes suckss to hell. I dont suffer that after crying last time.. sigh. should cut down time online as well.. computers worsen my eyes.
realized Im not a good friend recently.. it's a reflection of friends Im having around.. haiz. but after all, I think I deserve a true friend too right?
Monday, June 28, 2010
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Friday, June 25, 2010
Friday, June 18, 2010
I just need to enter ppl's info.. click likes and interests, under others.. I can find hundreds of them =]]]
I *like* one:
When I Become A Fan Of Something, I'm Secretly Hinting To Someone. :)
it's so so so true weyy.. HAHAHAHAanother which I likeD long time ago and I would like to share :
DONT TEXT HIM, DONT TEXT HIM, DONT TEXT HIM......... '' heyy.. I miss you'' SEND
i wonder if you ever think about me when im thinking about you
cute err ^^
Im just afraid that my eyes cant take it anymore.. zz
I hope I wont go cazy. It's enough.. stop it here okay..
1st week of hols
homework is driving me crazy.. especially add maths project, I really DONT KNOW how to start and where to start. zzz duh
anyway, my hols is quite.. erm. not bad, at least I enjoy to the fullest in the first week of hols. yupp, indeed a good time to relax and unwind ^^ since Im not in the mood of elaborating much on my hols, pics below may tell you something :D
ah! GPC rocks man..
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Monday, June 7, 2010
still.. I have nothing much to say. LOL
err.. ah ha! Im going to enjoy this hols to the fullest XD Im damn missing last 2days, and looking forward to tomorrow and thurs too..
5/6 audrey's bday party
indescribable :)
6/6 starwalk, jj with mic, gan and phuishi..
body aching after that.. till now. SALLOPASE is the most welcomed
8/6 kl- national library, klcc+petronas science centre
with my librarian friends
kl- shopping, sunway lagoon, sunway girl power camp!
with gan, mic and phuishi. wheee.. 1st time going to sunway lagoon :S
on the 2nd week, most probably I wont be going to anywhere.. there's a pps camp on the16/6 till 18/6.. but not going probably.. LOL. I need some time of my own.. for rest. Im tired. yea.. need rest.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Sunday, May 2, 2010
This weekend seems a meaningless one for me, I did nothing except online and stuffs like sms, watching tv etc. I can't stand a saturday without koko. I dont like going school for koko on sat, yet I don't like staying at home too. so, yesterday sucks..
I know exam is around.. don't remind me kay. I know.. but IM NOT IN THE RIGHT MOOD of exam. I get nervous whenever I FEEL people around are burning midnight oil studying while I sleep like pigs before 10, even before 9pm -.- I get very frustrated when I FEEL people around are holding books and memorizing things by heart, but wtf Im doing..? T_T I really don't feel to study, I wasn't like that kay......
dreaming lots of things recently.. staying in an imagination world is the best. =]
Saturday, April 24, 2010
there isn't any before and after
I won't care about others, as long as I have YOU as my friend, I think I should be grateful. we don't value on number of friends we have, but how sincere your friend is. one true friend is way far than a bunch of normal friends.. may be they don't und me, but true friends will und eventually..right? hopefully they are.. keep my finger cross *actually idk what it means, people use it when they are hoping of something which can be achieve or cannot be achieve right?
aiya.. I really tak larat to care dy.. I cry when I care something too much.. I shouldn't cry when problems arise. if these thing ditakdirkan to be solved, then it'll be fine. otherwise, cry till blind also useless. lol. lesson learned..
suddenly i remember a line, something like 'i m still a malay, not much difference from you' in si tenggang. I should say I AM STILL ME, THE ONE BEFORE, NOT MUCH DIFFERENCE FROM THE OLD ME, is you all who don't understand what I really want from a friend..
Sunday, April 18, 2010
school life is as usual, school>tuitions>homework is my daily routine.. but nowadays idk what's happening on me, I feel sleepy extremely easy and I can hardly concentrate in homework after school. I can focus during lessons, but not while doing homework at home.. sigh. my house environment not conducive enough arh.. even coffee and tea make no different. =[ I afraid that I can't stay up late dy.. as such, how am I going to burn midnight oil during exam? TT sometimes I even sleep in school while there is no teaching. it's not the way I practised laa.. haixxxxx. my mum let me try different different soup eg. chicken soup, but seems not berkesan at all.
besides that, everything is fine. lol. actually, I am quite happy recently... :))) heeeees. you know, I found a very good friend, one who..........., one who................, one who.................
kay. byez
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
anyway, it's quite impossible for me to blog on what had happened throughout this two weeks.. too much things happen? idk. but of course there's some sweet moments~~ lol. since our lives nowadays is so complicated, just forget the saddening part and let those great ones be memories forever..
may be I'll blog some one day.. haha.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
I realized I love accounts tuition very much. besides the teaching is good, the teacher is nice, hmm.. I have great time there. the teacher jokes a lot and the way she teaches is so different and interesting as well.. it makes me fall in love in this subject. undeniable, accounts isn't an easy subject, it's quite complicated and sometimes makes me quite headache too. but I do love it lots.. for me, it's so much better compare to those science, especially CHEMISTRTY. I hate it =] (dk i hated chemistry before =O, this is added when i reread my own posts LOLness)
* a lot of accounts assignments are waiting for me.. 8 ASSIGNMENTS..? omg. honestly, Im worrying on my accounts. though I like this subject, I afraid I cant do well in exam.. it's tooo much I need to catch up. I'll try my best, it's my fav' subject weyy..
learnt a phrase today: makes my blood boils, which means make me angry.. lol. idk why, this phrase keep appearing in my mind after the accounts teacher 'introduced' it. =]
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
*LU SHING.. when will you upload those pics taken jekk?? >.< I just realized I din post anything on ranger
training camp 2010. lol. so I spent my first 2 days of this mid-term break in ranger camp. er.. the camp was okay, as the committees said, good job. yea, it was very true, especially for those committees who planned for the camp and patrol leaders as well. you know, patrol leaders had put in soooooo much, idk about others, but mine, chin tracy is really a great one. she did almost everything by her own without complaining or blaming a word. though our patrol, ESPRESSO din win the award of best patrol, we enjoyed ourselves thoroughly. and the part which created the most memories were the cooking competition, we won BEST COOKING award. heeees. so proud of ourselves..
tracy, a big thank you from the bottom of our hearts to you... you are the best patrol leader, espresso is the best patrol with us, the 11 members and you, the great one.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
WHY you.....?
WHY you.....?
WHY you.....?
I doubt. you are ignoring me right? I wonder why.. is it that you'd misunderstood anything? I hope nothing is going wrong on you and me.
Friday, March 12, 2010
thank you
I am very happy for the passed few days. though it was exam, I enjoy every moment talking to you. lol. as what I touched on previously, I am encountering with some kind of friendship prob. or I should say I WAS. now, I'd changed my mind, so I just assumed nothing had happened. actually..., nothing really happen.. just my mind which is the one putting me in depression. lol. I found a very best friend, we talked quite a lot this week (comparing with before). you know, last time.. I can hardly talk to you in school. -.- dont get a chance? maybe. nothing to talk to you? I dont think so. dare not? yea I think. lol. ...................(the feeling of happiness is indescribable)...................
I hope that we can become best friend one day.. extremely best friend that type : ) hahahaa. I really appreciate moments with you.
the feeling is just like when I was in form 3, during pmr trial that week.. yea. I'd a great week that time.. 0.0 seems like good things always happen during exams on me -.- I remembered f3 that week, I was so happy until I cried.. same goes to this week, I cried too. I always imagine.. such things may happen on me and it happened. : ) i feel goooooooood <3>
my last post was posted the day before sports day.. not in the mood of sports day sy, so don't feel like elaborating much on it. what to tell is: green house got the 2nd runner up for lintas hormat. weyy, 3rd place consider quite good dy. at least we were in the middle of the 5 houses. BUT, overall green house got the last. sad to say.. maybe our house doesn't have many school team athletes? hmph. I believe we'll be the champion 1 year. hees. and.. surprisingly, ranger guide din get into 1st or 1st runner up. ranger was like expected to get at least the 2nd.. but ended up with they didn't. though I didn't march for ranger, I feel their disappointment. I almost failed to control my tears when I saw them crying together after the results were announced. such great disappointment they met. anyway, competitions are like that, there must be winners and some who din win. ranger seems have not been winning for quite some time.. may we win next year!! ~~
this week, exam.. nothing much besides NOT ENOUGH REST, coffee and tea, snacks to prevent me from feeling sleepy, alarm to wake me up and brands chicken essence which I need on every exam. lol. and it finally ended today with accounts the last subject. we'd test on tue, wed, then stopped for a day and then fri. it seems more than a week it had taken. lol
spm results were out. saw many ex girls coming back to school to get their results. many of them have grown prettier after 3 months for not going to school..>.< our school broke dont know what record, and because of that, today school dismissed earlier. wakakaa. * only 214 candidates achieved straight A+ from whole m'sia?? so few arh.. so damn difficult to achieve.
Friday, March 5, 2010
I am quite proud of myself. most of my friends say I am still as before I started any marching practice. I din get darker : ) anyway, it should be laa. I use sun block, wear cap and long track bottom for every practice. hahah.
exam starts soon... I will be absent on 8/3 monday. weng wai!! I can predict my attendance for next mon. I know I wont be going to school. I fail to finish revision for the coming test.. TT
getting nervous for tomorrow.. >.<>
Sunday, February 28, 2010
life is indeed transient.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
I have such a friendship problems for years, this problem exist since dont know when.. but I just realized its present recently. so, I was quite moody this few weeks.. the 1st person I told was to phuishi, I just mentioned about it and didn't say much about.. wednesday night, something strike my mind and I suddenly feel like telling it to weng wai, I sent her messages of around 15 pages long.. surprisingly, she din give any appropriate response.. : ( maybe my msg was a summary, she cant understand well or what.. may be she herself is having something else to worry..? yesterday morning, before lessons start in school, we chat for a while. she gave me some advice as she experienced such thing before.. I feel better than. BUT, after recces, something strike my mind again, and uncontrollable.. I cried. weng wai wasnt there that time, so I told everything to nee.. I talked to her, so she und more and she advised me. I really cried yesterday.. seriously that type. I think I had really pour out everything..
actually that problem is a very common one and most of the people experience it.. my friends around too.. I believe. it seems nothing to most of the people, but matters me a lot. I am a very sensitive person, I see things thoroughly, from tips till the end, every single thing that happen, every single behaviour and attitude of my friends around, I mind. but my friends around are not as sensitive as me.. or I should say, not sensitive at all..? it's just as simple as that..
now I am feeling better.. real. since I cant change the fact, why don't I change the way I think.. as nee told me. after school yesterday, I cried at home and I slept at 7.30pm! omg. it's so early.. I slept while crying.. I slept soundly and comfortably yesterday night. after about 10++ hours slept, I feel 'lighter' today.. relief and in a good mood now : )
to nee,
THX. a big thank you to you.. for being such a good listener to me. Im glad to have you as my close friend. and feel grateful too. =]
to weng wai & lei voon,
I know something had happened, but dont too worry dy. honestly, 2 of you cant make any difference lor.. I think la. especially weng wai, I am in trouble and I need you to stand beside me and guide me, support me.. you yourself must be tough.. I feel sad when I see you crying and look sad. honestly. if you feel like telling me what's happening, I am willing to lend you my ears, as what you always do to me. : )
yesterday, I was touched by michelle's present.. It is the best birthday present I'd ever received. thanks lots. I cried of too gan dong. we know each other since 11 years ago.. we've been classmates for 11 years, primary 1 till now, form 5. 11 continuos years we together in the same classroom, facing the same teachers.. about the changes on me throughout these 11 years, I guess she knows well.. may our friendship lasts forever..
we've known each other by chance,
become friends by choice,
still friends by decision,
and when we say FRIENDS FOREVER,
that is definitely a lifetime promise..
( actually this was something xin ci wrote in the letter for me on my birthday =])
you don't ignore me ler..
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
I mustn't cry that often dy.. big girl now. 17 dy!!
today, I cried 2 times.. for different reasons. sometimes, I wonder.. anything wrong with my tear glands? is it I have double the number of glands others have? why I can cry that easily? anytime, anywhere, with anyone..
case 1: due to some disappointment
case 2: scared of something until cry : ( over worried? yea I think..
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
happy birthday~~!!
as my cousin, edmund said: sang sing did lor..
yea. I mustn't that rebellious dy.. haha. but, isn't me always that guai? XDD
as most of my friends said: dai guo lui lor.. cannot always cry like babies dy..
I agree on this, I've been crying too often throughout this 16 years.. must learn to control!
* but it isn't an easy thing to control tears from falling : )
thank you a lot on presents and cards given by my friends.. and of course all the birthday wish I receive this few days.. even to DIGI. digi wish me happy birthday too.. -.- but why hotlinks din? XD
I almost cry on yesterday night.. and today too. yesterday night at 11.58pm, I received a very special birthday wish from a very special person : ) THANKS THANKS THANKS lots.
you really shocked me! I thought you'd slept b4 11pm.. =]
* this person is not anyone else but xxxx : )))))
today, I requested a birthday wish from one of my friends whom I didnt talk with for years dy.. due to some er.. misunderstanding? and that friend wish me.. haha. though this bday wish came a bit weird, I do appreciate it lots too. =]
today I only eat a slice of cake, din buy a big 1 for celebration because I've a habit- celebrating birthday and eat cake on my 农历 birthday.. I know most of you will be like 'huh? weird nya.' I know it's a bit different.. but I did that for passed few years dy. lol.
******dreams come true ******

a SLICE of cake : )
* I haven't eat


dinner at a cafe near my house.
*taste so-so
Monday, February 22, 2010
Sunday, February 21, 2010
tomorrow school starts..
dont feel like going..
quite emo these few days, my mood is changing at high rate. hmm.. I really dont want to go to school.. dont why, just dont feel like going. nothing to elaborate more on my feelings, too much feelings Im having NOW.
so yesterday we went to my uncle's new house.. lalalala. his house is exactly my DREAM HOUSE. I like the main concept of the houses there, no gate at all.. some more there isn't any wall fencing between the 2 neighbours. all the people there need not worry on their safety, the security there is soooooo strict. when we enter that area, we were questioned and registered, I mean the driver of the car entering. the driver need to show his IC and scanned before we are allow to enter. and they have rondaan by guards on bicycle and motorcycle hourly. the area there is so nice, all the designs of houses look so attractive.. maybe it seems quite common to others, but for me who live in a neighbourhood with no securuty guards, it's quite special.. especially the open concept. love it lots... =] and the interior decoration of my uncle's house is nice too.. hmm. the area there is setia eko park, far away from shopping malls, cafes etc. I guess it's the only part that make the area imperfect. lol
Friday, February 19, 2010
soooooo full.. yesterday I went to jj with michelle, gan and junyeng.. I'd ben there since 11am and back at 7pm++. w watch the movie, err... (forgotten the title) it's a movie on wars and a bit China history thing one. we had our lunch at black canyon, I ate spaghetti and again spaghetti for my dinner at food n tea with my parents. lol. I ate damn lots yesterday.. haha. don't care about the weight 1st, just
enjoyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyed. hees =) we took some pictures and I love them lots. c=
I received a message, I found it quite nice and I forward to my friends:
if A is 1, B is 2, C is 3.... Z is 26,
L+O+V+E = 54
F+R+I+E+N+D+S+H+I+P = 107
so, friendship is 2 times stronger than love
and 1 of my friends replied: 'love means long live, friends come and go.. they are just like a ship, they stop at the harbour a while and leave...'
I was like =.='', though what she said is true.. SOMETIMES. but I know, my friends are not the ships she meant, they leave the harbour but stop forever in my heart and I do stop forever in theirs =]
in mph, on one of the cover of a notebook, it says:
'' see the invisible,
touch the intangible,
strive for the impossible''
hmm.. cny hols almost end and school going to start again. sigh.. normal school life begins =(
homework for cny hols:
add maths mastery exercise done
add maths chapter review 9 done
add maths workbook not done
Chinese 'jian bao' half done
:( tomorrow going to kl, will be back only on Sunday. if I cant finish tonight.. HOW HOW HOW?? wuwuaaa TT
anyway, I didnt really regret for not managing my time well during this 1 week cny hols.. though it's quite boring and it's undeniable too:D I enjoyed. I ate a lot and took lots of photos but lazy to upload. lol.
yesterday, my dad's cousins came to my house to bai nian.. lol. one of my dad's cousins' son is sooooooo cute. idk what's the relationship between us, not my cousin.. too far away, our hubungan persaudaraan. he's only 4 years old but the way he speaks and his behaviour seem so mature. lol. his look isn't verrryyy cute, but his attitude and behaviour is. when I touch his stomach, he said me rude worr.. =='' a 4 year-old-boy saying me rude? what a shame.. lol. his name is samuel =)

Tuesday, February 16, 2010
*lesson for the day: dont simply say 'I love you'
Sunday, February 14, 2010
just skip the part on dinner as it really taste not good. I met pun mei yan, our school ex head prefect. actually I'd observed her for quite some time.. I couldn't confirm to myself that it was her as I din wear specs. -.- until she 'hi' to me.. lol. we don't know each other actually, what we know is we are schoolmates. that's it. lol. she some more wish me happy cny. lalalala~~
this morning..
nothing much to write about.. breakfast-visiting some of my relatives-received angpau-lunch-taking photos
quite fun taking photos =] hees
will be going to kl this coming sat. my uncle house warming and open house. wheeeeeeeeeee. he's so rich man.. this will be the his 4th house since i was 1 years old. =]
p/s. keep your mouth shut please.. i can be very patient SOMETIMES, but im getting fed up. oh please.. today is the 1st day of cny, don't force me to scold you with bad words. yea. i know.. im getting rebellious recently. so what?! you better don't interrupt my things okay.. i know, very well i know.. you always dont like me, and please remember I AM TOO.
today i went to visit some relatives ( my mum side). i really get very frustrated with the ques 'why don't you join all the cousins, talk with them bla bla bla', they used to ask that ques. my answer is WE ARE OF DIFFERENT CHANNEL! i dont think i can communicate well with them, especially thaaaaaaaaatttttttt very particular family with thaaaaaaaatttttt very particular auntieim fed up with, whom i wish to ask her to keep her mouth shut so much. but then i know, i cant as she's my elderly. you know.. she used to interrupt my things, please laa. IF YOU ARE REALLY THAT FREE, TEACH YOUR CHILDREN 1ST LAA. i dont need you to teach me. i repeat, I DONT NEED. you thought who are are only my auntie okay. you want me to respect you? respect yourself and respect me first. bu shuang? dont talk with me, keep away from me.. better still. =p pointing to that bunch of people.. they always act and behave as if they are so uneducated, yet they like to show off. i wonder.. what good qualities they have to show off? i really cant stand!!!!!
i can be very friendly.. with the other bunch of relatives, i can stay happily with them. we chat and talk with the same experience and topics we have. but definitely not with YOU ALL. heyy. the problem is not with me, you all din approach me, before? i can imagine.. if i approach them, they will show me that kind of face.. which i wish to slap on it so much.
i shouldn't use harsh words to scold my elderly, shouldn't scold bad words on cny, but ARE YOU TESTING MY PATIENCE?! you should be grateful that i din ask you to f*ck off. you better watch out if you still continue behaving so. if my volcanic erupts... (just try to imagine)
* no offence to the others. of course some of them are highly educated, who im proud of them.. some are friendly too. im here especially pointing to that very particular xxxx.
happy valentine to all the valentine girls and boys =]
happy birthday yee theng, 15/2
Friday, February 12, 2010
school was okay for this week.. quite happy too, for no reason.. as long as nothing upset me, I consider the overall mood for the week as HAPPY =]
at last I told someone on how I feel towards my friends around, feeling much better after that. lalalala~~
chat with phui shi recently, learnt something from her = )
went to parade mp today, with michelle and lu shing.. yummy
taking this chance to thanks CYBER CAFE!! yupp, it's cyber cafe.. cyber cafe makes my cny hols meaningful, SECARA TAK LANGSUNG. hahahahaha... heees... lalalala.... wakaka.... lol.
worrying for the sukan tara after cny hols. Im going to have high jump on my birthday.. oh gosh. Im wondering... HOW TO JUMP? I dont want to get malu on that day.. please. EXCUSE ME FROM JUMPING, CAN?
i miss you
Sunday, February 7, 2010
yesterday, I cried. It was the 1st time I cried so 'heavily' in 2010. it was about 11 something at night, I cried until 1am. I remembered the time very well because I was holding my pon and waiting for my friends' reply.. of course, none of them replied me, it was so late that time, everyone slept.. leaving me alone crying besides my bed.. I dare not cry loudly, wailing like a baby.. I used to do that when I am alone in my house. but yesterday night, while I was crying besides the bed, my sis was on the bed.. I afraid that I may wake her up. and my reason of crying so terribly was .............................................(skip)..................................................................
then. I woke up at 5am.. ya. it's 5AM. went the store with my family for cny stuffs. lol. my mum said go earlier, less people wor. lol. of course still got people queueing all that tho it was so early, but the crowd wasn't that thick as previous years.. economic crisis? people no money? so less people arh.. tho cny is just around the corner.
saw a sales man, he asked me:
" wa! so late havent sleep ar? so good.. accompany your mummy to buy things.."
=.= " "I already woke up"
it means all the sales men havent go back home and sleep ar? kesian nya.. haha. anyway, I can understand why he thought I havent go for bed... MY EYES WERE SO SWELL THAT TIME! it was exactly like a few days din sleep.. I cried that night ma.. -.-
I saw woon hwan at store. she looked so tired.. she damn leng lui de lorh.. fair, slim, sweeeeet girl. tho idk her much, we were classmates for 2 years, glad to know her.. =]
then I went to market with my mummy.. actually I was very tired that time, but I insist to go to feeeeeel the cny atmosphere. XD market was so much crowded..
at kc leong tuition, I heard something .......................................................................................................................................................................
* that is all today.. lol. it's 10.40pm now.. cant sleep yet. tomorrow is LEI VOON'S 17 BIRTHDAY. I have to stay awake and wait till sharp 12am to wish her a happy birthday. hahah.. QB, see.. I so good to you XDD
to xxx:
i just hope some appreciation from you..

(with my finger pressing) 'stand.. stand.. stand!'

TT the egg falls.. I FAILED

the store. super markets aare fulled of CNY decorations and stuffs for new year.. whee

today, I failed to concentrate in homework.. while doing add maths, I opened my drawer and saw this.. this is actually part of a note 1 of my friend gave to me 2 years ago.. it was during pmr trial.. (lol. wana see what she wrote?? blek. =p this pic is blur.. and it's ny part of the note.. )
Friday, January 29, 2010
yesterday we had marching prac.. green house marching team rocks~~!! I think we'd really improved lots.. but that isn't our target right.. we can do better I believe =] anyway, yesterday damn tiring lorh. I 1st time experience what's MARCHING PRAC. we really marched hard yesterday, we tried our level best.. don't know, may be because the teachers were there..?? lol. next week we will be practising for the formation. yay! wondering how it looks @.@ don't have much time left dy.. a month to go nia. hmm.
*muscle pain everywhere =.=
Homework is getting more and more.. aiks. tons of homework~~!! especially the add maths, the workbook questions seem very different and.. STRANGE? idk. the solutions and answers given seem got problem..? or I m the one can't get the answer? == I love maths actually, I feel good when I am solving maths question, I feel HIGH when I get the answer right; but of course, I feel like banging to the wall when I can't get the answer.. lol. I will even get annoyed and stress up when I don't know how to do.. not me alone, everyone feels the same right.. lol
I thought you are online.. everytime I switch on the computer, I hope that you are there. when I sign in msn, I wish to see your name under 'online'. but sigh.. it's 9.19pm now, I shall offline at 9.30pm. I promised myself to wait only until 9.30pm.. you didn't tell me you will online or not tonight.. but yea. I'm the one who want to wait for you.. who knows, may be you'll on at 9.29pm. lol. miss you
Saturday, January 23, 2010
tuitions were.. erhem. my tuition time all get messed up due to sports prac and marching.. secara purata, I got to skip 1 tuition class per week, it's a waste of money.. last week I'd skipped for chinese and eng tuition class, I purposely chose this 2 subjects to skip, not because I am good in it.. but I MUST go for my science and add maths tuition. and it ended up with..
green house marching is hmm.. quite good? sook han's a good k.kawat kaki.. she treats us so good and is so willing to teach. I guese we'd improved lots compared to our first prac. enjoy joining green house marching team..get the chance to know new friends =]
many homework this weekend but sigh.. today, saturday is a school day. so rest for tomorrow, a sunday and back to school again.. I don't think I manage to complete all homework by tomorrow night. whatever laa..
ooo.. byebye. it's time for homework, going to do my chemistry peka first. lazy to draw graphs.. =[
*waiting for your message..?
Monday, January 18, 2010
lalalalalalalalalalaalalalalalalalal~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ don't know what to write XDD
so, bye...
ohya.. HAPPY SWEET 17, WEI KEE.. 18/1
JIA MIN.. 19/1 jia min, present later arh.. hees
Sunday, January 17, 2010
a saturday night =]
after frustrating for days, it's good to have a saturday night with my dears... love ya =) overnight in her house is our next plan, may be during cny hols? looking forward.. :D
wei xin : looking for a better tomorrow~