hmm.. cny hols almost end and school going to start again. sigh.. normal school life begins =(
homework for cny hols:
add maths mastery exercise done
add maths chapter review 9 done
add maths workbook not done
Chinese 'jian bao' half done
:( tomorrow going to kl, will be back only on Sunday. if I cant finish tonight.. HOW HOW HOW?? wuwuaaa TT
anyway, I didnt really regret for not managing my time well during this 1 week cny hols.. though it's quite boring and it's undeniable too:D I enjoyed. I ate a lot and took lots of photos but lazy to upload. lol.
yesterday, my dad's cousins came to my house to bai nian.. lol. one of my dad's cousins' son is sooooooo cute. idk what's the relationship between us, not my cousin.. too far away, our hubungan persaudaraan. he's only 4 years old but the way he speaks and his behaviour seem so mature. lol. his look isn't verrryyy cute, but his attitude and behaviour is. when I touch his stomach, he said me rude worr.. =='' a 4 year-old-boy saying me rude? what a shame.. lol. his name is samuel =)

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