HAPPY BIRTHDAY to myself..
as my cousin, edmund said: sang sing did lor..
yea. I mustn't that rebellious dy.. haha. but, isn't me always that guai? XDD
as most of my friends said: dai guo lui lor.. cannot always cry like babies dy..
I agree on this, I've been crying too often throughout this 16 years.. must learn to control!
* but it isn't an easy thing to control tears from falling : )
thank you a lot on presents and cards given by my friends.. and of course all the birthday wish I receive this few days.. even to DIGI. digi wish me happy birthday too.. -.- but why hotlinks din? XD
I almost cry on yesterday night.. and today too. yesterday night at 11.58pm, I received a very special birthday wish from a very special person : ) THANKS THANKS THANKS lots.
you really shocked me! I thought you'd slept b4 11pm.. =]
* this person is not anyone else but xxxx : )))))
today, I requested a birthday wish from one of my friends whom I didnt talk with for years dy.. due to some er.. misunderstanding? and that friend wish me.. haha. though this bday wish came a bit weird, I do appreciate it lots too. =]
today I only eat a slice of cake, din buy a big 1 for celebration because I've a habit- celebrating birthday and eat cake on my 农历 birthday.. I know most of you will be like 'huh? weird nya.' I know it's a bit different.. but I did that for passed few years dy. lol.
******dreams come true ******

a SLICE of cake : )
* I haven't eat


dinner at a cafe near my house.
*taste so-so
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