I went for a hair cut yesterday.. LOL. I cant imagine what reaction will my friends give when they see me. I was shocked by my own hairstyle. It's soooo.. erhem.. childish and short. At first I din plan to cut it that short.. maybe that lady misund what i want. aiks.. leivoon! your fault lorh.. lol. I was sms'ing with her when I was in the saloon.. She told me to cut it short like hers.. For sure, mine and hers aren't the same style.. But mine is really too short.. =[ Hers lagi teruk, that man who cut for her thought she really wants a boy cut.. and ended up with.. no eyes see. =p

before the hair cut

(after) I know it is dark and blur.. I purposely one. hahax. when I went to the saloon, the sky was still bright.. When I leave the saloon, it's already very dark :D

hees =]
ahaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaaa~ wu wei! u vry gao xiao loh